
Podcasts by broadcasters: radio, television, film

For experienced broadcasters, podcasting provides an exciting new opportunity: they can take their experience producing traditional media, a

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2 min

Google Play and Google Podcasts – what's the difference?

Confusingly, Google has two platforms for listening to podcasts: Google Play (their music app) and Google Podcasts (which is built-in to And

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2 min

How to get more podcast subscribers

Listeners who are subscribed to your podcast in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pocket Casts, Overcast, or Google Podcasts will automatically recei

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3 min

How to choose your Apple Podcasts category

Choosing the right podcast category matters because it helps listeners find you! Don't choose these common categories; find a specific categ

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3 min

Why Arnold Schwarzenegger should start a podcast

On Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube, Arnold Schwarzenegger has proven that he can connect with internet fans. Here's why he should start a podca

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3 min

DIY podcast studio

Check out Justin Jackson's DIY podcast space, and the podcasting microphone, pre-amp, software, and other gear he uses to record his shows.

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1 min

Dana Carvey on Conan O'Brien's podcast: podcasting is a "different kind of sport."

In the most recent episode of Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend, he and Dana Carvey discussed podcasts as a form of entertainment, and how it's d

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1 min

Tips for getting more Twitter followers for your podcast

Here are some practical ideas for growing the number of Twitter followers you have. These tactics will also help you get more listeners for

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3 min

2019 podcast predictions

What will happen in the podcasting industry this year? Here are our 2019 podcast predictions: smart speakers won't be a big deal, Apple mone

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