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December 10th, 2020

Expanded analytics for private podcasts

Private podcast overview stats

Now, you can see in-depth stats for your private podcasts. On the overview page, you'll see:

  • Number of downloads per episode

  • Export CSV: Episode downloads by day

  • Export CSV: Subscribers' episode counts

Private podcast analytics overview

See who listened to private podcast episodes

Using private podcasts for courses, training, or compliance? Now, for each episode, you can:

  • See who's listened (and how many times)

  • See who hasn't listened

  • Export CSV

  • Search for specific subscribers

See who's listened to your private podcast episodes

See what individual subscribers have listened to

You can also click on individual subscribers and get a list of all the episodes they've listened to.

See what individual podcast subscribers have listened to

Start a private podcast for your organization

A private podcast is perfect for corporate training, team news, leadership messages, and online courses.

Check out our guide, How to Create a Private Podcast, and take a look at our private podcast features.