Welcome to the team Jason!

Justin Jackson

Since the beginning of Transistor, nearly all of the engineering tasks have fallen on co-founder Jon Buda's shoulders.
We have hired contractors in the past to help us build features (like our API), but the time felt right to hire someone to help us with software development full-time.
Jon and Jason have known each other for years through the Chicago tech scene. They'd worked at Blackbox together, and Jon had always been impressed with Jason's ability to build complex things well and his strength and leadership on engineering teams.
When Jason expressed interest in working for a small indie company like Transistor, we were eager to make it happen!
Today we are so excited to announce that Jason will be working with Transistor. 🎉
In the near term, he'll be working on new features for private podcasts. In the long term, Jason has the chops to help us build more sophisticated features that we couldn't tackle alone (like Dynamic Ad Insertion and AI transcription).
Jason will also interface with customers (to understand their needs better), and advise us on improvements to the app.
Welcome aboard Jason! We’re so glad to have you on the team.
Justin Jackson
Co-founder, Transistor.fm