
Podcast analytics software

Know how your podcast is performing with your audience

Transistor is consistently rated as one of the best podcast analytics tools. It gives you detailed stats for your podcast like monthly listens, total listens per episode, average downloads per episode, most popular listening apps, and which devices your listeners are using.

Overall analytics for your podcast

On Transistor's "Analytics" page, we provide a variety of high-level stats:

  • Average downloads per episode: this shows how well your episodes are doing 7, 30, 60, and 90 days after being published. Often, potential advertisers especially want to see these numbers.

  • The number of people who subscribe to your podcast: subscriber counts are notoriously difficult to measure because podcasting is built on top of RSS (an open platform that doesn't track individuals). However, we give you an estimate based on the average of the first 24 hours of downloads of your last 3 episodes to calculate an estimated subscriber count. The graph is an estimated count over time.

  • Listener trends: see your download history over time. This allows you to view the number of listens by year, month, day, or in the last 24 hours.

Listener breakdown per episode

Want to sort your podcast's episodes by most popular? You can do that with our Episode Breakdown table:

You can also export this table as a CSV file, and open it in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Apple Numbers.

Compare episode stats

Now you can view detailed analytics for each episode you publish on Transistor, and see how it compares to previous episodes.

See which podcast apps people use to listen to your show

How is your audience is listening? Are they using Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Amazon Music? You can see these trends over time in our Podcast Player chart:

You can select the apps you want to see on the chart and visualize where you're getting more listeners. 

You can also export this data as a CSV file.

See listener devices and operating system

To find out how many of your podcast listeners use desktop, mobile, smartwatch, or smart speaker, you can now look at your Transistor analytics.

You can also see if podcast listeners are using iPhone, Android, Windows, Apple Watch, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Sonos.

The podcast listener map

Transistor provides a map, so you can see which countries your listeners are from.

Even more helpful, you can see a list of what percentage of listeners live in each country.

In the USA, Canada, and Australia, you also get state/province breakdowns.

Want to take a closer look?

Here's a video overview of Transistor's analytics.

More Features

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YouTube Auto-posting

Auto-post your podcast to YouTube

Transistor can automatically upload every podcast episode you publish to YouTube. We'll convert your audio files to video files along with a background image of your choice.

Embeddable Player

Custom embeddable podcast player

Customize the look and settings of your podcast player and embed it anywhere


Integrations for your podcast workflow

Transistor integrates with MailChimp, Drip, HubSpot, ConvertKit, MailerLite, ActiveCampaign, and Klaviyo for email subscriptions. We also integrate with Bluesky and YouTube for auto-posting. For autom